

学校 宇部工業高等専門学校 開講年度 2017
授業科目 外国語演習Ⅱ
科目番号 0031 科目区分 専門 / 必修
授業形態 講義 単位の種別と単位数 履修単位: 1
開設学科 経営情報学科 対象学年 2
開設期 後期 週時間数 2
教科書/教材 「Lado English Series 4」. Robert Lado. (Longman)
担当教員 南 優次,スコット・K ・スヤ


This course is designed to increase the students English language proficiency
by encouraging them to                                                 
①learn how to construct sentences that will make them more versatile speakers and writers
②practice new sentence patterns and how to manipulate them
③express themselves using these patterns


評価項目1The student is able to completely comprehend the material taught in class.The student is generally able to comprehend the material taught in the class.The student may need extra help or attention in being able to understand the material.
評価項目2The student rarely, if ever, makes errors in the material taught.The student would be able to handle some basic tasks on their own if they were to go abroad.The student may struggle with consistent errors with the material.
評価項目3The student can clearly express themselves using the material taught.The student sometimes makes errors that are easiy correctable.The student may only express themselves without straying from the material.


教育目標 (G) 説明 閉じる


Quarter 1
This course is designed to improve the conversation skills.
Students will be asked to write answers on the whiteboard for the benefit of their classmates from time to time.
Students will also be expected to do short oral assignments when asked, usually with a partner. 
These assignments will occur at different times during the year and count towards their final grade.
In addition to the midterm and final exams, there will be two oral exams during the year,
Students will often be asked to write answers on the board for the benefit of their classmates. The class will generally be conducted entirely in English. Students will also be asked to bring a notebook in which they will do work separate from that done in the textbook.      


授業内容 週ごとの到達目標
1週 Introduction/Unit 1: Nouns Practice patterns related to talking about the amount of things we have. Practice patterns related to comparing things.
2週 Unit 2: Adverbs of frequency Practicing patterns related to our daily habits. Practicing patterns related to describing the habits of others.
3週 Unit 3: Prepositions Practicing how to talk about a particular place or time. Practicing patterns related to describing people's actions.
4週 Unit 4: Present perfect Practicing patterns related to recent experiences. Practicing patterns related to life experiences.
5週 Unit 5: Noun modifiers Practicing patterns related to describing things.
6週 Unit 5: Present perfect Practicing patterns related to our recent experiences.
7週 Review: Units 1 to 5 Review of the material to date.
8週 midterm examination
9週 Unit 6: Adverbs    Practicing patterns related to our daily routines and habits.
10週 Unit 7: Relative pronouns Practicing patterns related to giving more information about a particular subject.
11週 Unit 8: Question forms Practicing patterns related to clarifying information.
12週 Unit 9: Question forms Practicing patterns related to getting information and making decisions
13週 Unit 10: How we do things Practicing patterns related to the way in which certain daily activities are performed
14週 Review: Units 6 to 10 Review of the material to date.
15週 term end examination
16週 Course Summarization Students answer questionnaire



