

学校 宇部工業高等専門学校 開講年度 2019
授業科目 外国事情ⅠB
科目番号 0094 科目区分 専門 / 必修
授業形態 講義 単位の種別と単位数 履修単位: 1
開設学科 経営情報学科 対象学年 3
開設期 前期 週時間数 2
教科書/教材 Passport 2 Second Edition, Passport 2 Workbook Second Edition (Oxford University Press)
担当教員 浅原 京子,シドウェル・スティーブン ・グラント


The abilities and skills that the students can learn in this course are :
(1) to learn basic expressions in English conversation, and to correctly use appropriate grammar.
(2) to write about personal opinions and experiences in reports.
(3) to participate in oral exercises actively during classtime.  


Ideal Level of Achievement (Very Good)Standard Level of Achievement (Good)Acceptable Level of Achievement (Fair)Unacceptable Level of Achievement (Fail)
Evaluation 1A student clearly demonstrates a thorough understanding of conversational structures/grammar on examinations.A student demonstrates a good understanding of conversational structures as learned in class, but does not reuse grammar accurately in forming new sentences.A student demonstrates a fair understanding of conversational structures but is in need of improvement.A student does not demonstrate an understanding of conversational structures.
Evaluation 2A student writes a clear informative report on the assigned topic of the requested length. Good grammar and clear communication are necessary.A student writes a report with clear communication and of the appropriate length but has some incorrect grammatical use.A student writes a report that has problems with communicating his/her ideas. Also perhaps not of the appropriate length.A students writes a report which does not communicate clearly, not of the appropriate length and shows a lack of effort.
Evaluation 3A student always, or almost always is prepared to pariticipate in class activities, Pays attention, and is enthusiastic.A student usually is prepared to participate in class activities, usually pays attention, and rarely sleeps in class.A student usually is prepared to answer/participate in class, but perhaps sleeps too often, and doesn't pay attention as often as they should.A student is clearly not engaged in what is happening in class, sleeps, talks with friends and shows no interest in participating.



The underlying philosophy of this course will be to introduce English conversation as a rewarding, meaningful and effective means of communication. It will also endeavour to acquaint the students with some knowledge of English culture and the differing attitudes, customs and traditions of the English speaking world.
Students will be evaluated upon the results of Mid-term (35%) and Final (40%) examinations, completion of homework (15%), and class participation (10%).
The teacher intends to make this course enjoyable as the students learn practical English conversation in a variety of international situations. It is essential that all students bring dictionaries to class and actively participate in the speaking/listening/reading/writing activities during class.


授業内容 週ごとの到達目標
1週 Introductions and Orientation Can understand course instructions
2週 Would you like to visit the Temple of Heaven?
(Assign 1st report)
Can make suggestions. (How about…? You could try…/ Toourist Attractions, activities)
3週 I want to send an attachment. Can get help with computer problems. (I want to…, I need a ….I'm trying to…, /Computer accessories.)
4週 I'd like a chicken sandwich, please. Can order food to take out. (Question forms/ Food and drink)
5週 Go straight along this road.
(1st report due)
Can ask for and understand directions.(Imperitives,/ Prepositions of place)
6週 Have you been to the Great Wall yet? Can talk about experiences. (Present perfect to describe experiences./Adjectives to describe cities)
7週 Excuse me can you help us? Can ask for Help. (Question forms. Outdoor activities.)
8週 Mid-term Examination
9週 I don't think this is right. Can check out of a hotel. (Making requests with could/may. Hotel services, Prices)
10週 Keep in touch!
(Assign 2nd report)
Can make plans for keeping in touch. (Expressing intentions with should/must. Correspondence words.)
11週 Did you pack this bag yourself? Can understand questions at the check-in desk. (Question forms. Check-in words and phrases)
12週 Are you going snowboarding again? Can talk about future plans with "going to". (Vacation activities)
13週 Review and make-up as needed.
(2nd report due)
14週 Review and make-up as needed.
15週 Final examination
16週 Summary General review and summarization




ExaminationPresentationMutual Evaluations between studentsClass participationPortfolioOther (Reports)合計
Basic Ability750010015100
Technical Ability0000000
Interdisciplinary Ability0000000