

学校 阿南工業高等専門学校 開講年度 令和06年度 (2024年度)
授業科目 化学2
科目番号 1112D02 科目区分 一般 / 必修
授業形態 授業 単位の種別と単位数 履修単位: 2
開設学科 一般教養 対象学年 2
開設期 通年 週時間数 前期:2 後期:2
担当教員 山田 洋平


The goals of this course are to
1. understand that redox reactions proceed by electron transfer between constituent atoms, and be able to calculate redox reactions quantitatively.
2. understand the mechanism of a familiar battery and be able to describe the reaction that proceeds on each electrode.
3. to be able to describe the reaction that proceeds on each electrode by electrolysis.
4. to be able to formulate thermochemical equations and calculate heat of reactions. 
5. to learn the definition of reaction rate and to describe it in terms of reaction rate equation.
6. to understand the basic hydrocarbons describe and classify basic hydrocarbons. be able to analogize the properties of organic compounds from their functional groups.


Ideal LevelStandard LevelMinumum Level
Achievement 1be able to determine the oxidation number,accurately. Be able to equate oxidation and reduction reactions separately and add them together. Be able to calculate redox reactions quantitatively using a variety of oxidants and reductants.be able to determine the oxidation number. Be able to equate oxidation and reduction reactions separately and add them together. Be able to calculate redox reactions quantitatively using a variety of oxidants and reductants.be able to determine the oxidation number,accurately. Be able to equate oxidation and reduction reactions separately and add them together. Be able to calculate redox reactions quantitatively using a variety of oxidants and reductants.
Achievement 2Be able to explain all the mechanisms of various batteries (voltaic, Daniel, lead-acid, and fuel cells) in a coherent manner.Be able to explain all the mechanisms of various batteries (voltaic, Daniel, lead-acid, and fuel cells) in a coherent manner.Be able to explain all the mechanisms of various batteries (voltaic, Daniel, lead-acid, and fuel cells) in a coherent manner.
Achievement 3be able to describe the reactions that occur by electrolysis. Also, be able to accurately calculate the quantities of reactions.be able to describe the reactions that occur by electrolysis. Also, be able to accurately calculate the quantities of reactions.be able to describe the reactions that occur by electrolysis. Also, be able to accurately calculate the quantities of reactions.
Achievement 4be able to formulate thermochemical equations. Accurately calculate the heat of reaction using both energy diagrams and simultaneous equations.be able to formulate thermochemical equations. Accurately calculate the heat of reaction using both energy diagrams and simultaneous equations.be able to formulate thermochemical equations. Accurately calculate the heat of reaction using both energy diagrams and simultaneous equations.
Achievement 5be able to describe reaction rate equations from measured reaction rates. Can explain the relationship between reaction rate, concentration, temperature, and catalyst. Explain the relationship between reaction rate constants and activation energy using the Arrhenius equation.be able to describe reaction rate equations from measured reaction rates. Can explain the relationship between reaction rate, concentration, temperature, and catalyst. Explain the relationship between reaction rate constants and activation energy using the Arrhenius equation.be able to describe reaction rate equations from measured reaction rates. Can explain the relationship between reaction rate, concentration, temperature, and catalyst. Explain the relationship between reaction rate constants and activation energy using the Arrhenius equation.
Achievement 6be able to classify and name hydrocarbons such as alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, and cycloalkanes. To be able to explain the concept of structural isomerism and stereoisomerism (to construct molecular models). Write structural formulas for reactions using saturated/unsaturated hydrocarbons. Write structural formulas for organic compounds containing functional groups (alcohols, ethers, aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids).be able to classify and name hydrocarbons such as alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, and cycloalkanes. To be able to explain the concept of structural isomerism and stereoisomerism (to construct molecular models). Write structural formulas for reactions using saturated/unsaturated hydrocarbons. Write structural formulas for organic compounds containing functional groups (alcohols, ethers, aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids).be able to classify and name hydrocarbons such as alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, and cycloalkanes. To be able to explain the concept of structural isomerism and stereoisomerism (to construct molecular models). Write structural formulas for reactions using saturated/unsaturated hydrocarbons. Write structural formulas for organic compounds containing functional groups (alcohols, ethers, aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids).


学習・教育到達度目標 B-3 説明 閉じる


Lectures will be based on the content of the General Science (1st year) course. Students are expected to review any content that they do not fully understand and to concentrate on the class.
This course constitutes the Mathematics, Data Science, and AI Education Program (Literacy), and mastery of this course is required for completion of the program.
The course will focus on lectures and exercises.


ICT 利用


授業内容 週ごとの到達目標
1週 redox reaction1
2週 redox reaction2
3週 redox reaction3
4週 redox reaction4
5週 redox reaction5
6週 cell1
7週 cell2
8週 exam for 1st quaeter
9週 cell3, electrolysis1
10週 electrolysis2
11週 electrolysis3
12週 electrolysis4
13週 electrolysis5
14週 heat of reaction, enthalpy change 1
15週 heat of reaction, enthalpy change 2
16週 exam for 2nd quaeter
1週 heat of reaction, enthalpy change 3
2週 heat of reaction, enthalpy change 4
3週 reaction rate 1
4週 reaction rate 2
5週 reaction rate 3
6週 reaction rate 4
7週 chemical equilibrium 1
8週 exam for 3rd quaeter
9週 an experiment of reaction rate
10週 organic chemistry1
11週 organic chemistry2
12週 organic chemistry3
13週 organic chemistry4
14週 organic chemistry5
15週 organic chemistry6
16週 exam for 4th quaeter




ExaminationPresentationMutual Evaluations between studentsBehaviorPortfolioquiz合計
Basic Proficiency600002020100
Specialized Proficiency0000000
Cross Area Proficiency0000000