
Course Information

College Anan College Year 2024
Course Title Materials
Course Code 1814B03 Course Category Specialized / Compulsory
Class Format Lecture Credits Academic Credit: 2
Department Course of Civil Engineering Student Grade 4th
Term First Semester Classes per Week 前期:2
Textbook and/or Teaching Materials Construction Materials(Gakugei Publisher)
Instructor Kadono Takuma

Course Objectives

1. Able to understand the category, fundamental characteristic and standard of construction materials, and explain them.
2. Able to understand the characteristic and standard of wood, wood material, stone, glass-based material, metal and coating, and explain them.
3. Able to understand the characteristic and standard of concrete, and explain them.
4. Able to understand the properties of fresh concrete and mechanism properties of post-curing concrete, and explain them.
5. Able to understand the durability of concrete and inspection of concrete structures, and explain them.


Idea level of attainmentStandard level of attainmentMinmum level of attainment
Attainment Target 1Able to understand the category, fundamental characteristic and standard of construction materials, and explain them with accuracy.Able to understand the category, fundamental characteristic and standard of construction materials, and explain them.Able to explain the category, fundamental characteristic and standard of construction materials.
Attainment Target 2Able to understand the characteristic and standard of wood, wood materials, stone, glass-based materials, metals and coatings, and enforce the the problem presentation and proposal for use.Able to understand the characteristic and standard of wood, wood materials, stone, glass-based materials, metals and coatings, and explain them.Able to explain the characteristic and standard of wood, wood materials, stone, glass-based materials, metals and coatings.
Attainment Target 3Able to understand the characteristic and standard of concrete, and enforce the the problem presentation and proposal for use.Able to understand the characteristic and standard of concrete, and explain them.Able to explain the characteristic and standard of concrete.
Attainment Target 4Able to understand the properties of fresh concrete and mechanism properties of post-curing concrete, and enforce the the problem presentation and proposal for use.Able to understand the properties of fresh concrete and mechanism properties of post-curing concrete, and explain them.Able to explain the properties of fresh concrete and mechanism properties of post-curing concrete.
Attainment Target 5Able to understand the durability of concrete and inspection of concrete structures, and enforce the the problem presentation and proposal for use.Able to understand the durability of concrete and inspection of concrete structures, and explain them.Able to explain the durability of concrete and inspection of concrete structures.

Assigned Department Objectives

学習・教育到達度目標 D-1 See Hide

Teaching Method

Knowledge of various construction materials is important for construction engineers who construct and maintain stuructures with due consideration for the structual stability, usability, durability, functionality, restoration, economy and encironmental friendliness. This course is lecture-based classroom lecture and is designed to acquire specialist basic konwledge on the main materials used in constraction projects, as well as to enhance study habits. In this course, faculty member who was in charge of research, development and inspection of concrete structures at company use its experience to teach this course.
【Cource hours 31hours+Final Exam+Self-study hours 60hours】
Reports are required as pre-study and post-study, because this course is an academic credit course.
This course, which is classified as a JABEE specialism: materials and biotechnology, is a basic construction course that provides knowledge of various construction materials and is directly linked to Construction Engineering Experiment 1, Structural Engineering 3 and other courses in the fourth year onwards. The wide variety of topics covered can be confusing, but it is important not to memorise individual topics in isolation, but to relate them to examples around you and to the topics you have studied so far.

Characteristics of Class / Division in Learning

Active Learning
Aided by ICT
Applicable to Remote Class
Instructor Professionally Experienced

Course Plan

Theme Goals
1st Semester
1st Quarter
1st Guidance
Outline of the construction materials
Able to understand and explain the goal, significance, plan, textbook, note. And able to explain the category, standard, fundamental property of construction materials.
2nd Wood and wood material Able to explain the category, standard and property of wood and wood material.
3rd Wood and wood material Able to explain the category, standard and property of wood and wood material.
4th Stone Able to explain the category, standard and property of stone.
5th Glass-based material Able to explain the category, standard and property of glass-based material.
6th Metal and coating Able to explain the category, standard and property of metal and coating.
7th Metal and coating Able to explain the category, standard and property of metal and coating.
8th Midterm exam
2nd Quarter
9th Return of answer
Able to explain the property and characteristic of cement and aggregate.
10th Concrete Able to explain the property and characteristic of strengths and weaknesses of concrete. And able to explain the water content, density, particle size and solid content of aggregate.
11th Concrete Able to explain the properties of fresh concrete and post-curing concrete.
12th Concrete Able to explain the properties of fresh concrete and post-curing concrete.
13th Concrete Able to explain the deterioration factors related to durability of concrete.
14th Concrete Able to understand the characteristic of concrete structures(RC,PC), and explain the basis on maintenance of concrete.
15th Concrete Able to explain the inspection method using nondestructive inspection equipment, and basis of coutermeasure of concrete structures.
16th (Final exam)Return of answer

Evaluation Method and Weight (%)

Regular ExamShort TestPortfolioPresentation and EnthusiasmOthersTotal
Basic competence200100030
Profeesional competence300200050
Cross-sectoral competence100100020