Environmental Chemistry

Course Information

College Anan College Year 2024
Course Title Environmental Chemistry
Course Code 5596101 Course Category Specialized / Elective
Class Format Lecture Credits : 2
Department Course of Applied Chemical Engineering Student Grade Adv. 1st
Term First Semester Classes per Week 前期:2
Textbook and/or Teaching Materials 環境と化学,萩野ら,東京化学同人
Instructor Ota Naotomo

Course Objectives

1.Explain air and water pollution and environmental protection technologies.
2. To be able to explain about climate change and preservation of ozone layer from chemical point of view.
3. To be able to explain about energy and waste recycling in relation to chemistry.
4. To be able to explain the generation of useful compounds by green chemistry and environmental problems related to plastics.


Ideal LevelStandard Levelminimum Level
Achievement 1Explain in detail about air and water pollution and environmental protection technologies without looking at the material.Explain air and water pollution and environmental protection technologies without looking at the material.Explain air and water pollution and environmental protection technologies with reference to materials.
Achievement 2To be able to explain in detail about climate change and ozone layer conservation from a chemical point of view without looking at materials.To be able to explain about climate change and ozone layer conservation from a chemical point of view without looking at materials.To be able to explain about climate change and ozone layer conservation from a chemical point of view with reference to materials.
Achievement 3Explain in detail the relationship between energy and waste recycling and chemistry without looking at materials. Explain energy and waste recycling in relation to chemistry without looking at materials.Explain energy and waste recycling in relation to chemistry with reference to materials.
Achievement 4To be able to explain in detail the generation of useful compounds by green chemistry and environmental issues related to plastics without looking at materials.To be able to explain the generation of useful compounds by green chemistry and environmental issues related to plastics without looking at materials.To be able to explain the generation of useful compounds by green chemistry and environmental issues related to plastics with reference to materials.

Assigned Department Objectives

Teaching Method

Based on the philosophy of "green chemistry," which is the basis of environmentally friendly manufacturing in the field of chemistry, students learn the relationship between various environmental problems and chemistry, and the class is taught from the viewpoint of how to build an environmentally friendly and sustainable society.
Students will be given a quiz to check their preparation, presentations by students, and reports (30 hours of class time + 60 hours of self-study time).

Characteristics of Class / Division in Learning

Active Learning
Aided by ICT
Applicable to Remote Class
Instructor Professionally Experienced

Course Plan

Theme Goals
1st Semester
1st Quarter
1st What is Green Chemistry? Can explain the philosophy of green chemistry
2nd Clean air To be able to explain the formation of the atmosphere, air pollutants and acid rain
3rd Clean air Explain air pollution trends and countermeasures
4th Valuable water resources Explain the properties of water and its importance as a resource
5th Valuable water resources Can explain about water purification and water environment conservation
6th Chemistry of Climate Change Can explain global warming chemically
7th Chemistry of Climate Change Explain the current state of climate change due to human activities and global warming countermeasures
8th Protect the Ozone Layer Explain the function and destruction of the ozone layer
2nd Quarter
9th Protect the Ozone Layer Explain the function and destruction of the ozone layer
10th Take care of your energy Can explain about human society and energy
11th Take care of your energy Can explain about renewable energy
12th Create useful substances Explain chemical synthesis and greenness
13th Create useful substances Explain the role of green chemistry in chemical synthesis
14th Polymer Chemistry Can explain about bioplastics
15th Waste Recycling To be able to explain about recycling and recycling-oriented society

Evaluation Method and Weight (%)

ExaminationquizMutual Evaluations between studentsBehaviorPortfolioOtherTotal
Basic Proficiency0000000
Specialized Proficiency05000500100
Cross Area Proficiency0000000