

学校 高知工業高等専門学校 開講年度 令和04年度 (2022年度)
授業科目 総合英語Ⅰ
科目番号 B4004 科目区分 一般 / 必修
授業形態 講義 単位の種別と単位数 履修単位: 2
開設学科 SD 基礎教育・一般科目 対象学年 4
開設期 通年 週時間数 2
教科書/教材 Oxford English for Careers, Oxford University Press, Technology 1, Eric H. Glendinning, ISBN 9780194569507 (Units 1-4)
担当教員 ガイン デニス


1.Getting used to applying vocabulary and grammar structures learned in Junior High School and the first three years in Kosen in technology related context, so students practise the language and skills they need for the job in real work situations
2. Practice reading, writing, listening and speaking skills students will need to communicate effectively when presenting ideas to non-specialists to develop problem-solving capabilities necesary for discussing latest technological innovations.
3. Become familiar with the structure and test patterns of the ETS TOEIC L&R test.


評価項目1 <Vocabulary>Vocabulary is effectively and appropriately demonstrated in context at CEF A2-B1 level.Vocabulary is well demonstrated at CEF A2 level with some room for improvement.Vocabulary is inappropriately demonstrated or at a level below CEF A2.
評価項目2 <Grammar>Grammar is effectively and appropriately demonstrated in context at CEF A2-B1 level.Grammar is well demonstrated at CEF A2 level with some room for improvement.Grammar is inappropriately demonstrated or at a level below CEF A2.
評価項目3 <Reading>Reading is effective and appropriate at CEF A2-B1.Reading is appropriate at CEF A2 with some room for improvement.Reading is at a level below CEF A2.
評価項目4 <Writing>Writing is effective and accurate at CEF A2-B1 level.Writing is accurate at CEF A2 level with some room for improvement.Writing is incoherent or at a level below CEF A2.
評価項目5 <Problem-solving>Effective and accurate demonstration of problem solving skills.Effective demonstration of problem solving skills.Incoherent or no demonstration of problem solving skills.


(D) 説明 閉じる
基準1(2)の知識・能力 基準1(2)(f) 説明 閉じる


This full English medium pre-intermediate course (Units 1-8) will carry on to the basic fragments of language that students learned during their six years in Junior High School and Kosen, and will address the concrete development of (1) career skills and knowledge, (2) the four basic language skills, and (3) language knowledge. The content will mainly target modern technology related topics and will aim the development of problem-solving skills in English, where students will be given the opportunity to creatively express ideas in group, pair, and individual settings. The course teaches English at CEF A2-B1 level and is relevant for ETS TOEIC L&R practice, which will also be a brief course component.
This course will teach English in context by making use of a content-based teaching method, so students practise the language and skills they need for the job in real work situations. Real-world profiles from genuine professionals will be included to offer authentic and engaging insights into various industries relevant for Kosen students. Extra facts, figures, quotations, and specialist terminology will be taught to develop career skills and language knowledge, alongside language skills. Activities will be designed for mixed-ability classes. Project work in the Student's Book, additional activities on the Student's Site, and essential vocabulary at the end of every unit will be used for revision.
Tests will make up 60%, homework, in-class activities and participation 40% of the final grade.


ICT 利用


授業内容 週ごとの到達目標
1週 Course orientation to become familiar with materials, evaluation and content presentation. Learn how to read and say symbols and characters.
2週 Unit 1
Speak about ways technology affects our lives.
Listen to people describing new technology.
Perform comparisons with adjectives and adverbs.
Stress technical vocabulary.
Group and remember new terms.
3週 Unit 1
Speak about ways technology affects our lives.
Listen to people describing new technology.
Comparisons with adjectives and adverbs.
Stress technical vocabulary.
Group and remember new terms.
4週 Unit 1
Speak about ways technology affects our lives.
Listen to people describing new technology.
Comparisons with adjectives and adverbs.
Stress technical vocabulary.
Group and remember new terms.
5週 Unit 1
Speak about ways technology affects our lives.
Listen to people describing new technology.
Comparisons with adjectives and adverbs.
Stress technical vocabulary.
Group and remember new terms.
6週 Unit 1
Speak about ways technology affects our lives.
Listen to people describing new technology.
Comparisons with adjectives and adverbs.
Stress technical vocabulary.
Group and remember new terms.
7週 Unit 1
Speak about ways technology affects our lives.
Listen to people describing new technology.
Comparisons with adjectives and adverbs.
Stress technical vocabulary.
Group and remember new terms.
8週 1st Semester mid-term test
9週 Unit 2
Become familiar with studying technology programs
Practice to listen for detail.
Learn appropriate way to use Present Simple and Present Continuous
10週 Unit 2
Become familiar with studying technology programs
Practice to listen for detail.
Learn appropriate way to use Present Simple and Present Continuous
11週 Unit 2
Become familiar with studying technology programs
Practice to listen for detail.
Learn appropriate way to use Present Simple and Present Continuous
12週 Unit 2
Become familiar with studying technology programs

Practice to listen for detail.
Learn appropriate way to use Present Simple and Present Continuous
13週 Unit 2
Become familiar with studying technology programs
Unit 2
Become familiar with studying technology programs
Practice to listen for detail.
Learn appropriate way to use Present Simple and Present Continuous
14週 Unit 2
Become familiar with studying technology programs

Practice to listen for detail.
Learn appropriate way to use Present Simple and Present Continuous
15週 Unit 2
Become familiar with studying technology programs
Practice to listen for detail.
Learn appropriate way to use Present Simple and Present Continuous
16週 1st Semester end-term test
1週 Unit 3
Become familiar with key terms in design
speaking and writing about design requirements
How to ask Yes/No and information questions
Get to know the key terms for the main stages in the design process
Learn how to ask Yes/No and information questions accurately
Explain using non-specialist language
2週 Unit 3
Become familiar with key terms in design
speaking and writing about design requirements
How to ask Yes/No and information questions
Get to know the key terms for the main stages in the design process
Learn how to ask Yes/No and information questions accurately
Explain using non-specialist language
3週 Unit 3
Become familiar with key terms in design
speaking and writing about design requirements
How to ask Yes/No and information questions
Get to know the key terms for the main stages in the design process
Learn how to ask Yes/No and information questions accurately
Explain using non-specialist language
4週 Unit 3
Become familiar with key terms in design
speaking and writing about design requirements
How to ask Yes/No and information questions
Get to know the key terms for the main stages in the design process
Learn how to ask Yes/No and information questions accurately
Explain using non-specialist language
5週 Unit 3
Become familiar with key terms in design
speaking and writing about design requirements
How to ask Yes/No and information questions
Get to know the key terms for the main stages in the design process
Learn how to ask Yes/No and information questions accurately
Explain using non-specialist language
6週 Unit 3
Become familiar with key terms in design
speaking and writing about design requirements
How to ask Yes/No and information questions
Get to know the key terms for the main stages in the design process
Learn how to ask Yes/No and information questions accurately
Explain using non-specialist language
7週 Unit 3
Become familiar with key terms in design
speaking and writing about design requirements
How to ask Yes/No and information questions
Get to know the key terms for the main stages in the design process
Learn how to ask Yes/No and information questions accurately
Explain using non-specialist language
8週 2nd Semester mid-term test
9週 Unit 4
Become familiar with key terms for technology in sport
speaking and writing about materials
Learn the words for the main materials used in sports technology
Describe what something is made of
Learn to speak and write about the properties of materials
10週 Unit 4
Become familiar with key terms for technology in sport
speaking and writing about materials
Learn the words for the main materials used in sports technology
Describe what something is made of
Learn to speak and write about the properties of materials
11週 Unit 4
Become familiar with key terms for technology in sport
speaking and writing about materials
Learn the words for the main materials used in sports technology
Describe what something is made of
Learn to speak and write about the properties of materials
12週 Unit 4
Become familiar with key terms for technology in sport
speaking and writing about materials
Learn the words for the main materials used in sports technology
Describe what something is made of
Learn to speak and write about the properties of materials
13週 Unit 4
Become familiar with key terms for technology in sport
speaking and writing about materials
Learn the words for the main materials used in sports technology
Describe what something is made of
Learn to speak and write about the properties of materials
14週 Unit 4
Become familiar with key terms for technology in sport
speaking and writing about materials
Learn the words for the main materials used in sports technology
Describe what something is made of
Learn to speak and write about the properties of materials
15週 Unit 4
Become familiar with key terms for technology in sport
speaking and writing about materials
Learn the words for the main materials used in sports technology
Describe what something is made of
Learn to speak and write about the properties of materials
16週 2nd Semester end-term test



