

学校 高知工業高等専門学校 開講年度 令和05年度 (2023年度)
授業科目 テクニカルライティングⅡ
科目番号 R5006 科目区分 専門 / 必修
授業形態 講義・演習 単位の種別と単位数 履修単位: 1
開設学科 SD ロボティクスコース 対象学年 5
開設期 前期 週時間数 2
教科書/教材 Effective Academic Writing 2nd Edition Oxford University Press / Science Research Writing For Non-Native Speakers of English Imperial College Press (Optional)
担当教員 ガイン デニス


This course is designed to help-non-native speakers of English to write abstracts of science research papers and graduation theses. Students who take the challenge to write academically often find it difficult to summarize their research. The course is aimed to provide students with not only the rhetorical tools needed to write an abstract, but also with the knowledge to critically evaluate the written quality of abstracts.


Ideal LevelStandard LevelUnacceptable Level
Abstract writingStudents are able to produce an abstract that has unity and coherence by including all the necessary components of an abstract. Students are able to produce an abstract that has acceptable unity and coherence by including all components of an abstract. Students are unable to produce an abstract.


学習・教育目標 (D) 説明 閉じる


This is a one semester course. In the first quarter, a review of Technical Writing I will be provided. Especially the concepts of unity (essay and paragraph unity), and coherence, including the strategies to achieve it (parallel forms, using correct pronouns, ordering ideas, using transitions) will be reviewed.
After the review of content from Technical Writing 1, the difference between technical essays, academic papers and graduation theses will be made clear. The role and purpose of an abstract will be highlighted. The fact that an abstract should have independent validity as a representation of a research article will be emphasized.
At an early stage, students will learn about structure, length, grammar, vocabulary and style of abstracts. There will be no mid-term test. Instead, students will be given a project that requires them to write the abstract of a research article provided to them.
The course will be offered in a blend of in-person teaching and project work.
Purchase of the book: Science Research Writing For Non-Native Speakers of English Imperial College Press is optional but recommended.


ICT 利用


授業内容 週ごとの到達目標
1週 Introduction to Technical Writing 2 .
Review of Technical Writing 1 content.
Explain outline and style of course.
Remember and understand how essays are structured.
Review unity.
2週 Review of Technical Writing 1 content. Review unity and coherence.
3週 Abstract writing Structure and models of abstracts
4週 Abstract writing Grammar and vocabulary
5週 Abstract writing
Abstract writing - Project I
Students form groups of three and are provided with a research article that has no abstract.
Students develop an appropriate abstract in their groups.
Students understand the research article and communicate an appropriate way for writing the abstract.
6週 Abstract writing - Project I
Students develop an appropriate abstract in their groups.
Students understand the research article and develop an abstract
7週 Abstract writing - Project I
Students develop an appropriate abstract in their groups.
Students continue on their project
8週 Abstract writing - Project I
Students develop an appropriate abstract in their groups.
Students continue on their project.
Students submit their abstracts.
9週 Project I Q&A Students present their abstracts and discuss ways of improvement.
10週 Abstract writing - Project II
Students form groups of three and are provided with a research article that has no abstract.
Students develop an appropriate abstract in their groups.
Students understand the research article and communicate an appropriate way for writing the abstract.
11週 Abstract writing - Project II
Students develop an appropriate abstract in their groups.
Students understand the research article and develop an abstract
12週 Abstract writing - Project II
Students develop an appropriate abstract in their groups.
Students continue on their project
13週 Abstract writing - Project II
Students develop an appropriate abstract in their groups.
Students continue on their project
14週 Project II Q&A Students present their abstracts and discuss ways of improvement.
15週 Test preparation Students are well aware of the content of the test.
16週 Test




ExaminationAbstract Writing Project合計
Weight in percent7030100