
Course Information

College Kurume College Year 2017
Course Title テクニカルコミュニケーション
Course Code 0194 Course Category Specialized / Elective
Class Format Seminar Credits School Credit: 1
Department Department of Mechanical Engineering Student Grade 5th
Term Second Semester Classes per Week 2
Textbook and/or Teaching Materials Great Presentations 1: Plan, Present and Communicate By Herman Bartelen, Malcom Kostuik,and Henry Wolf VII  R.I.C. Publications, Tokyo ISBN: 978490392450
Instructor リチャード リー

Course Objectives

By the end of the course, if students work hard, they will
1) be able to understand presentations given in fluent spoken English,
2) have a basic understanding of how to organize a spoken presentation, and
3) be able to give short presentations in English.



Assigned Department Objectives

JABEE G-2 See Hide

Teaching Method

This class will help students improve their English comprehension skills. Students will receive training on how to organize and give short presentations. Students will also spend much time in class learning vocabulary and speaking with classmates about a variety of topics.
Students should bring their textbook, notebook, pen/pencil, and a dictionary (optional) to every class. Students who fail to bring these materials will be considered absent.
25% Daily participation; 30% (3 Presentations @ 10% each); 45% Final Presentation

Course Plan

Theme Goals
2nd Semester
3rd Quarter
1st Introduction to the course:To discuss Goals; Rules; Grading; Textbook: Introduction; Orien
tation to the textbook
2nd Introductions I To learn vocabulary and language essential for making self-introductions.
3rd Introductions II To plan and write a presentation. Make a brainstorming map, write an int
roduction, body and conclusion to a presentation
4th Introductions III To practice presentation techniques; Give a short (1min) presentation.
5th Giving Reasons and Examples I To learn vocabulary and language essential for talking abou
t things that are important
6th Giving Reasons and Examples II To plan and write a presentation. Write reasons, answer th
e 5 W questions.
7th Giving Reasons and Examples III To practice presentation techniques and give a short (1-2
min) presentation.
8th Review of material and assessment To review material covered in the first 7 weeks of clas
4th Quarter
9th Describing a photo I To learn vocabulary and language essential for describing a photogra
10th Describing a photo II To plan and write a presentation. Brainstorm; Write about and descr
ibe a photograph
11th Describing a photo III To practice presentation techniques and give a short (1-2 min) pre
12th Final Presentation Prep 1 To plan and write a presentation. Brainstorm; Write about and d
escribe your graduation report.
13th Final Presentation Prep 2 To practice presentation techniques and give a short (4-5 min)
14th Final Presentation Day 1 Presentation of graduation thesis Part 1
15th Final Presentation Day 2 Presentation of graduation thesis Part 2

Evaluation Method and Weight (%)
