

学校 久留米工業高等専門学校 開講年度 2017
授業科目 英語演習Ⅱ
科目番号 1157 科目区分 一般 / 必修
授業形態 講義 単位の種別と単位数 履修単位: 2
開設学科 電気電子工学科 対象学年 2
開設期 通年 週時間数 2
教科書/教材 「WORLD ENGLISH 1」(Second Edition)  Written by Martin Milner  Published by National Geographic Learning  
担当教員 ミーイン ポール


1. Students will learn to use the target language in the areas covered bythe textbook.
2. Students will also learn how to express themselves confidently in Englishin everyday, general situations.
3. Students will learn to put English grammar structures to practical use.


評価項目1Students are able to make sentences and questions from target areas in the textbook. Students can understand the target language from the textbook.Students cannot understand the target language from the textbook.
評価項目2Students can perform as English presentation confidently in front of a group.Students can speak confidently in English in everyday, general situations.Students can speak confidently in English in everyday, general situations.
評価項目3Students can use grammar structures from the textbook to compose an English essay, expressing their own original opinion.Students understand grammar structures from the textbook.Students don't understand grammar structures from the textbook.



The focus of the course is:
1. To review and strengthen grammar usage previously taught to the students;
2. To learn to use English spoken in general conversation, so that the student may communicate and participate effectively in English, in the global society of today; and
3. To give the students a taste of the enjoyment and necessity of English in the world today, in order to help nurture interest in, and motivation to study, the English language.
Material taught from the previous lesson will be reviewed briefly at the start of each lesson. Then new material will be taught. Language and grammar taught will build upon thatwhich was previously taught. The textbook will be followed strictly, with the first six (6)units being covered in Semester 1, and the last six (6) units being covered in Semester 2.


授業内容 週ごとの到達目標
1週 PEOPLE. Review of the present tense: BE To understand the written and spoken English in the lecture and successfully participate in a related conversation.
2週 Asking for and giving personal information. To understand the written and spoken English in the lecture and successfully participate in a related conversation.
3週 WORK, REST & PLAY. Review of the simple present tense. To understand the written and spoken English in the lecture and successfully participate in a related conversation.
4週 Talking about daily schedules and free time. To understand the written and spoken English in the lecture and successfully participate in a related conversation.
5週 Review of Units 1 and 2. To understand the written and spoken English in the lecture and successfully participate in a related conversation.
6週 GOING PLACES. Imperatives and giving advice. To understand the written and spoken English in the lecture and successfully participate in a related conversation.
7週 Conversations at travel destinations. To understand the written and spoken English in the lecture and successfully participate in a related conversation.
8週 FOOD. Count and non-count words. Using quantifiers. To understand the written and spoken English in the lecture and successfully participate in a related conversation.
9週 Purchasing food at a supermarket. To understand the written and spoken English in the lecture and successfully participate in a related conversation.
10週 Review of Units 3 and 4. To understand the written and spoken English in the lecture and successfully participate in a related conversation.
11週 SPORTS. Present continuous tense. To understand the written and spoken English in the lecture and successfully participate in a related conversation.
12週 Everyday activities vs. today's activities. To understand the written and spoken English in the lecture and successfully participate in a related conversation.
13週 DESTINATIONS. Review of the simple past tense. To understand the written and spoken English in the lecture and successfully participate in a related conversation.
14週 Desciribing personal experiences. To understand the written and spoken English in the lecture and successfully participate in a related conversation.
15週 Review of Units 5 qnd 6. To understand the written and spoken English in the lecture and successfully participate in a related conversation.
1週 COMMUNICATION. Verbs with direct and indirect objects. To understand the written and spoken English in the lecture and successfully participate in a related conversation.
2週 Describing sights, sounds and other sensations. To understand the written and spoken English in the lecture and successfully participate in a related conversation.
3週 MOVING FORWARD. Future tense structures. To understand the written and spoken English in the lecture and successfully participate in a related conversation.
4週 Talking about future plans. To understand the written and spoken English in the lecture and successfully participate in a related conversation.
5週 Review of Units 7 and 8. To understand the written and spoken English in the lecture and successfully participate in a related conversation.
6週 TYPES OF CLOTHING. Comparatives and superlatives. To understand the written and spoken English in the lecture and successfully participate in a related conversation.
7週 Shopping and the store and online. To understand the written and spoken English in the lecture and successfully participate in a related conversation.
8週 LIFESTYLES. Modals and questions with How. To understand the written and spoken English in the lecture and successfully participate in a related conversation.
9週 Asking and telling about lifestyles. To understand the written and spoken English in the lecture and successfully participate in a related conversation.
10週 Review of Units 9 and 10. To understand the written and spoken English in the lecture and successfully participate in a related conversation.
11週 ACHIEVEMENTS. Present perfect tense vs. present simple tense. To understand the written and spoken English in the lecture and successfully participate in a related conversation.
12週 Inerviewing for a job. To understand the written and spoken English in the lecture and successfully participate in a related conversation.
13週 CONSEQUENCES. Real conditionals. To understand the written and spoken English in the lecture and successfully participate in a related conversation.
14週 Talking about important environmental issues. To understand the written and spoken English in the lecture and successfully participate in a related conversation.
15週 Review of Units 11 and 12. To understand the written and spoken English in the lecture and successfully participate in a related conversation.



