

学校 佐世保工業高等専門学校 開講年度 平成30年度 (2018年度)
授業科目 英会話
科目番号 0010 科目区分 一般 / 必修
授業形態 講義 単位の種別と単位数 履修単位: 1
開設学科 電気電子工学科 対象学年 1
開設期 通年 週時間数 1
教科書/教材 Smart Choice Starter (Oxford University Press)
担当教員 ジェイ ストッカー


1. Students will learn colloqual American spoken English.. 
2. Students will be able to carry out simple conversation in English.
3. Students will gain confidence in speaking English in classroom.
4. Students will feel comfortable using the language they know, while also practicing new vocablrary and grammatical structures.
5. Students will become familiar with native pronumciation of conversational English.





This communication class will help students to improve English through a variety of conversational tasks. Grammatical structure will be given with its meaning by linking them with appropriate social language and context.
予備知識: Students are expected to know how to start daily conversation and to carry out easy verbal interaction without much trouble.  講義室:LL教室   授業形式:講義と演習   学生が用意するもの」テキスト・配布プリント
評価方法: 20% quizzes, 20% In class activities, 60% midterm and final exams  
自己学習の指針: Using textbooks, students are expected to engage in review and preview of what they learn.
オフィスアワー:授業の前後、または個別に指定された時間(英語科森下へ連絡) *授業計画における中間試験実施週は早まる場合があります。その際は、授業の中で連絡をします。


授業内容 週ごとの到達目標
1週 Course Introduction Students can understand what they are expected to do.
2週 Unit1: I'm a student. Students can introduce themselves to others.
3週 Unit 1: I'm a student. Students can introduce themselves to others.
4週 Unit 2: What's your phone number? Students can ask for and give personal information.
5週 Unit 2: What's your phone number? Students can ask for and give personal information.
6週 Unit 3: That's my wallet? Students can talk about personal possessions.
7週 Unit 3: That's my wallet? Students can talk about personal possessions.
8週 Midterm Examination In class test
9週 Unit 4: Do you like hip-hop? Students can express likes and dislikes.
10週 Unit 4: Do you like hip-hop? Students can express likes and dislikes.
11週 Unit 5: What do you do for fun? Students can talk about leisure activities.
12週 Unit 5: What do you do for fun? Students can talk about leisure activities.
13週 Unit 6: Can you play hte guitar? Students can talk about their abilities.
14週 Unit 6: Can you play the guitar? Students can talk abot their abilities.
15週 First semeser final examination In class test
1週 Unit 7: What's she wearing? Students can talk about present activities.
2週 Unit 7: What's se wearing? Students can talk about present activities.
3週 Unit 8: Are there any windows? Students can describe their home and room.
4週 Unit 8: Are there any windows? Students can describe their home and room.
5週 Unit 9: The bank is on the corner. Students can ask for and give directions.
6週 Unit 9: The bank is on the corner. Students can ask for and give directions.
7週 Review and Test Prep. Students will review material covered so far.
8週 Midterm examination In class test
9週 Unit 10: Do we have any milk? Students can talk about food and order from a menu.
10週 Unit 10: Do we have any milk? Students can talk about food and order from a menu.
11週 Unit 11: Where were you yesterday? Students can talk about the past.
12週 Unit 11: Where were you yesterday? Students can talk about the past.
13週 Unit 12: What did you do? Students can talk about past activities.
14週 Unit 12: What did you do? Students can talk about past activities.
15週 Final-term examination In class test

