

学校 佐世保工業高等専門学校 開講年度 令和03年度 (2021年度)
授業科目 応用コミュニケーション
科目番号 0016 科目区分 一般 / 必修
授業形態 演習 単位の種別と単位数 学修単位: 1
開設学科 複合工学専攻 対象学年 専1
開設期 前期 週時間数 前期:2
担当教員 ジェイ ストッカー,森下 浩二


1. Learners are able to organize ideas (C-3)
2. Learners are able to construct outlines (C-3)
3. Learners are able to adapt their speech to a particular audience (C-3)
4. Learners are able to use effective methods of delivery (C-3)
5. Learners are able to publicly present their own ideas in English


Learners are able to organize ideas. very goodaveragenot good
Learners are able to construct outlines. very goodaveragenot good
Learners are able to adapt their speech to a particular audience. very goodaveragenot good


学習・教育到達度目標 C-3 説明 閉じる
JABEE a 説明 閉じる
JABEE f 説明 閉じる


The course will show students how to plan and prepare a speech. Students will follow a six-step procedure of: (1) deciding a topic, (2) making a brain-storming map, (3) preparing an outline, (4) writing an opener and closer for the speech, (5) making notecards for the speech, and (6) practicing and presenting the speech in front of the class. Heavy emphasis will be placed on the mechanics needed to make an effective public presentation. These mechanics include; eye contact, voice inflection, posture, and gestures.
Lectures, handouts, and practice. Students will primarily used the textbook, "Present Yourself 1, Second Edition." Other materials will by provided by the instructor in class.
Students will be expected to be able to publicly present and defend their own ideas in English without any serious difficulty. (C-3)
Students will be graded on in-class participation (20%)(C-3), homework (20%) (C-3) and performance on presentation projects (60%)(C-3). Students are required to get more than 60 points.


ICT 利用


授業内容 週ごとの到達目標
1週 Introduction Students present an impromptu speech in class.
2週 Unit 3: A Prized Possession Students learn how to describe a prized possession.
3週 Unit 3 continued Students learn how to write an effective outline for a prized possession speech.
4週 Speech Preparation and Practice Students prepare and practice their prized possession speech.
5週 Speech Presentation Students present their prized possession speech in front of the class.
6週 Speech Presentation continued Students finish their speech presentations in front of the class.
7週 Non-verbal Communication Practice Students practice non-verbal communication skills with handouts in class.
8週 Example Speech Mechanics Students analyze speech mechanics used by professional speakers.
9週 Unit 4: A Memorable Experience Students learn to set the scene and tell the story of a memorable experience.
10週 Unit 4 continued Students learn how to write an effective outline for a speech about a memorable experience.
11週 Speech Presentation and Practice Students will prepare and practice their memorable experience speech.
12週 Speech Presentation Students present their speech in front of the class.
13週 Unit 5: I'll Show You How Students learn how to prepare materials for a demonstration speech.
14週 Unit 5 continued Students learn how to write an effective outline for a demonstration speech.
15週 Speech Preparation and Practice Students prepare and practice their demonstration speech.
16週 Speech Presentation Students present their demonstration speech in front of the class.

