

学校 熊本高等専門学校 開講年度 令和04年度 (2022年度)
授業科目 技術英語II
科目番号 TE1514 科目区分 専門 / 選択
授業形態 授業 単位の種別と単位数 学修単位: 1
開設学科 情報通信エレクトロニクス工学科 対象学年 5
開設期 集中 週時間数
教科書/教材 プリント資料配布および レゴ®シリアスプレイ®ワークショップ専用ブロック教材
担当教員 西山 英治,芳野 裕樹,熊本キャンパス 教務係,諸富 裕典


"Technical English 2" trains students to be ready to communicate in English in a technical setting when counterparts have no ability to comprehend Japanese. The focus will be on enhancing their skills in the areas of speaking, writing and presentation. Students will learn how to write a research summary and to prepare presentation materials and use techniques to deliver effective speech.


★★★ Ideal★★ Developing ★ Beginning
One on one communication 1.1 - READING & WRITING ENGLISHOne demonstrates the ability to read English instructions without hinderance. One has the ability to express in written English matters that are of common interest to the group using specific aspects introduced during the class.One is able to read English instructions relevant to certain aspects introduced in class and perform specific tasks as a result.Lacks the ability to read English instructions and take necessary actions with regards to specific tasks introduced during the class.
One on one communication 1.2 - VERBAL COMMUNICATION AT WORKOne has the ability to express her/his thoughts and opinions in English to the group using tools and skills introduced during the class. One is able to seek for ideas and suggestions from their peers.One has the ability to express tangible matters in English to the group using tools and skills introduced during the class. One can also request for things or ask simple questions.One struggles to pull a simple English sentence together in order to express matters that are visible to them in front of their own eyes. Most of the time they are not able to comprehend instructions posed by the instructor.
"Broadcasting"(Public Speaking) 2 - PRESENTINGDemonstrates her / his ability to write and deliver an effective presentation in the English language exhibiting terms and expressions learned for the purpose of explaining technical matters, making reference to the materials they use.Demonstrates her / his willingness to write and deliver a presentation in the English language using some terms and expressions used for technical explanation.Does not have the ability nor the willingness to learn to write and deliver a presentation in the English language using terms and expressions used for technical explanation.



The aim of this subject is to give the students a good foundation in anticipation of a technical presentation so that they will deliver an effective speech that holds the attention of your audience. The students will learn basic formal and technical speaking and writing skills, and oral presentation skills.
The instructor for AY 2021 will use his experience, ability and know-how as the certified facilitator of the Lego® Serious Play® method of organizing workshops to cause students to learn kinesthetically words and expressions to explain facts, actions and concepts in the English medium.
1 - Students will learn the core process of the Lego® Serious Play® (LSP) method. This core process is the cornerstone of the learning method, delving into the topics presented by the instructor following the standard steps of: a) listening to the brief, b) building with Lego blocks (and thinking), c) explaining (speaking), d) reflecting (and discussing).
2 - Students will, therefore, learn and acquire the ability to make MANY short presentations using the Lego® models they will have built and explain their ideas instantaneously with limited time for their conscious mind to settle, preparing them for a real life situation that they will face in the future at work.
3 - Students will, in their own group, prepare and deliver a FINAL PRESENTATION with each member spending approximately 3 minutes to explain their part. Through practice they will test their readiness to present effectively without learning the theory behind it in a fashion similar to how one learns to drive a car. This way they can overcome their fear of presenting in a foreign language without a great deal of mental stress and tension. This method of constructing a group presentation is modelled on the way LSP facilitates groups to create a Landscape, where each member's way of thinking can be described by using the Lego model that is created together in discussion with one another. While preparing for a presentation in front of an audience, they will simultaneously think and construct their stories using the English language as is. As everything they need to say is represented in the model, with each person having an equal share of voice to tell the story, it will force each student to have a piece of a combined Landscape Story created together as a group. Each member will not only depend on one another to remind what the story was but also the entire team will realize the need to become "interdependent" in order to build and tell the stories well. Not only is it expected to enhance their confidence and competencies in making a presentation per se, it will be instrumental in acquiring an ability to foster a co-working culture which is hoped to become a powerful tool once they join the labour force.
4 - Included in the final "Portfolio" of photos that contain the numerous models they will have created by the time they have completed their 12th slot (class), students will write a short reflection report of what they have learnt in the subject.
"Evaluation Method" Course Work (TOTAL = 100%)
・ Writing 20%
・ Speaking 20%
・ Presentation 30%
・ Reflection report 30%
Students are to do self-study for at least 15 hours per 1 credit. When student is disqualified, she/he shall be give one last chance to remedy the status by attending additional classes and/or submitting a report to be defined by the tutor.


ICT 利用


授業内容 週ごとの到達目標
1週 LECTURE: "Introduction to TE5(技術英語II)" Introducing the principles of the LSP Method. Aimed at building trust in the process and acquiring the ability to listen, build, think about and explain the model built using their own words. Students will learn the process of building and explaining their thoughts digging deep in their own linguistic skills using the LSP Method. Learning to learn, students will most likely struggle to know what is going on, albeit able to follow the basic instructions in English.
2週 1.1 LSP Core Process introduced all in Japanese - necessary for students to build confidence in the process. Starting with Skills Building, they will get used to following the facilitator's verbal instructions (initially in Japanese). 日本語のコマ Students will become more confident in manipulating the LSP core process to voice their stories as they wish. Here, students are shown how to learn to combine Lego pieces according to the LSP method.
3週 1.2 Practice rounds using the LSP Core Process to build Lego models following Japanese instructions - necessary for students to cement their confidence in following the LSP Core Process and to have their own stories heard. 日本語のコマ Students will experience the joy and surprises of expressing themselves (in Japanese) adhering to the LSP Core Process. Students will have the basic skills of building with Lego pieces following facilitator's verbal instructions (albeit in still in Japanese).
4週 1.3. Practicing rounds using the LSP Core Process to build Lego models following English instructions - necessary for students' ears to become accustomed to following the facilitator's instructions in English. Students will experience the struggle and difficulty of expressing themselves in English following the LSP Core Process.
5週 2.1 WRITING - in pairs, conduct self-into. The listner must take notes as in a journalist's interview.
2.2 READING - learning to read instructions in English - a number of puzzle games using Lego.
Students will realize the need to take notes in one language or another, preferably in English albeit with difficulties. They will also feel the impact of having to read and follow written instructions in English, perhaps a rare occasion for most.
6週 2.3 Skills Building using the LSP Method (Tower Building / Build This / Explain Someone Else's Model / Ask a Question) Students will be able to follow the basic instructions used during DAY 1, but this time spoken much faster (because their ears are now accustomed to the instructor's voice and manners).
7週 2.4 Story Making - introducing the concept of metaphors through abstraction (using one single Lego piece to mean something). Students will learn that you can actually reply on a single item to mean something, which is hoped to aid students' ability to express their thoughts with limited vocabulary.
8週 2.5 Story Making in Practice - follow the LSP Core Process to build their own stories using limited number of pieces of Lego. Students will learn to build their Lego models while thinking (and struggling to think) how to explain in English precisely the thing they are building with their fingers.
9週 3.1 BUILDING YOURSELF - using their newly acquired skill of building their own stories using Lego, we now ask them to build their own identity, ie WHO I AM TODAY, and introduce themselves in English. Students will learn to build their Lego models by reflecting on their own inner self, learn to make a story and introduce to the outside world how they think of themselves PLUS how they want the others to see them (Johari's quadrant I → will feed into 3.2)
10週 3.2 SHARED MODEL - using the "Red Brick Technique", students will break apart the key important element(s) of their model and lump together with those of the group members. Students will begin to realize (through listening to others' opinion about yourself) the important aspects about your own that you did not see for yourself (Johari's quadrant II). This allows one to show with greater confidence their qualities they bring to the team.
11週 3.3 BUILDING A LANDSCAPE A - doing the 3.1 but this time the "Aspirational Model of YOU", we will each create a model of who you expect to become in 4 years time. After that, we ask them to build a LANDSCAPE of the group, see if there is a common theme among themselves, to create a fictitious professional team. Students will begin to imagine the way they are in the future, explore ways to explain their dreams and aspirations, using the vocabulary they know they possess, using the expressions they know they are comfortable with. Through discussions they have had in 3.2, they will also learn from their peers how to express themselves with their own knowledge of words and expressions in the English medium.
12週 3.3 BUILDING A LANDSCAPE B - doing the 3.1 but this time the "Aspirational Model of YOU", we will each create a model of who you expect to become in 4 years time. After that, we ask them to build a LANDSCAPE of the group, see if there is a common theme among themselves, to create a fictitious professional team. Students will begin to imagine the way they are in the future, explore ways to explain their dreams and aspirations, using the vocabulary they know they possess, using the expressions they know they are comfortable with. Through discussions they have had in 3.2, they will also learn from their peers how to express themselves with their own knowledge of words and expressions in the English medium.
13週 FINAL COURSE WORK A - BUILDING THE PRESENTATION FOR AN AUDIENCE Using the LANDSCAPE created during the previous day students will now continue to build connections to make sense of how each of their ASPIRATIONAL IDENTITIES (future state) may influence one another.
14週 FINAL COURSE WORK B - BUILDING THE PRESENTATION FOR AN AUDIENCE We will connect the personal models in the team, which is "YOU and your own aspirational model (ideal future)". ​​​​As they connect the connections, they explain to the team members who created the model at the receiving end of the connector what the connection (the choice of connector type) actually means and how they want to communicate the connection in relation to their own story. These discussions are conducted exclusively in English and in realtime. No doubt it will cause students to feel somewhat uneasy, but it also raises the bar of challenge to the maximum. Students are always allowed to seek for help in Japanese language or simply to explain it in Japanese. This "presentation", under the watchful eyes of outside observers and the staff of Kumamoto College of Technology, is a showcase of the results of the 12 sessions of study since mid-January.
15週 FINAL COURSE WORK C - BUILDING THE PRESENTATION FOR AN AUDIENCE We will connect the personal models in the team, which is "YOU and your own aspirational model (ideal future)". ​​​​As they connect the connections, they explain to the team members who created the model at the receiving end of the connector what the connection (the choice of connector type) actually means and how they want to communicate the connection in relation to their own story. These discussions are conducted exclusively in English and in realtime. No doubt it will cause students to feel somewhat uneasy, but it also raises the bar of challenge to the maximum. Students are always allowed to seek for help in Japanese language or simply to explain it in Japanese. This "presentation", under the watchful eyes of outside observers and the staff of Kumamoto College of Technology, is a showcase of the results of the 12 sessions of study since mid-January.
16週 Reflecting on the entire course - in English (in writing) and in Japanese (spoken in groups). We will connect the personal models in the team, which is "YOU and your own aspirational model (ideal future)". ​​​​As they connect the connections, they explain to the team members who created the model at the receiving end of the connector what the connection (the choice of connector type) actually means and how they want to communicate the connection in relation to their own story. These discussions are conducted exclusively in English and in realtime. No doubt it will cause students to feel somewhat uneasy, but it also raises the bar of challenge to the maximum. Students are always allowed to seek for help in Japanese language or simply to explain it in Japanese. This "presentation", under the watchful eyes of outside observers and the staff of Kumamoto College of Technology, is a showcase of the results of the 12 sessions of study since mid-January.




WritingSpeakingPresentationReflection report合計