

学校 熊本高等専門学校 開講年度 平成28年度 (2016年度)
授業科目 電気回路学I
科目番号 0001 科目区分 専門 / 必修
授業形態 授業 単位の種別と単位数 履修単位: 2
開設学科 制御情報システム工学科 対象学年 3
開設期 通年 週時間数 2
教科書/教材 Fundamentals of Electric Circuits Companion Site, 5/e(Charles K. Alexander, Matthew N. O. Sadiku, Prairie View A&M University,McGraw-Hill Science Engineering)
担当教員 嶋田 泰幸


This course aims that students can:
1) analyse DC circuits consists of passive elements.
2) express AC voltage/current in phasor form and/or complex form.
3) calculate power which is absorbed in circuits.
4) know methods of analysis, e.g. nodal analysis, mesh analysis and source transformation and apply them to analyse AC circuits.


Basic lawsSolve advanced problems, e.g. design of DC meters, in the textbook.Understand example of basic laws of electric circuits in the text book and solve simple problemCannot solve problems in the textbook.
Method of analysisSolve advanced problems, e.g. Thevenin and Norton equivalent circuits, in the textbook.Understand example of mesh/nodal analysis, superposision theorem, source transformation, Thevenin/Norton equivalent circuits in the text book and solve simple problemCannot solve problems in the textbook.
AC voltage/current in phasor form and/or complex formSolve advanced problems, e.g. Phase-Shifters, in the textbook.Understand example of representation of the AC voltage/current in phasor in the text book and solve simple problemCannot solve problems in the textbook.


本科(準学士課程)での学習・教育到達目標 3-1 説明 閉じる
本科(準学士課程)での学習・教育到達目標 3-2 説明 閉じる
本科(準学士課程)での学習・教育到達目標 3-3 説明 閉じる


This course covers two parts; One is analysis of Direct Current(DC) circuits and the other is analysis of Alternative Current(AC) circuits. DC circuits parts will cover basic laws which you've already learnt. AC circuits parts will cover fundamental concepts of AC circuits, phasor and complex form of AC voltage and current, AC power analysis and magnetically coupled circuits.
Flipped teaching will be introduced in this subject. Learning video will be provided by uploading on Web server in advance of the class. Students have to access ther web server and watch the video for self-learning. Only students who learned by watching the video can participate in the class.
During class, students have to discuss with friends/team-mates in order to solve problems that are given at the beginning of each class, and submit a report within the class.
Some additional/extra quizzes will be given in a year and assessed up to 20 marks. Put in as much effort as you can. Problem solving is an essential part of the learning process. Solve as many problems as you can. The best way to learn is to solve a lot of problems.


授業内容 週ごとの到達目標
1週 Introduction to electric circuits which consist of passive elements(1) Students will be able to understand the basic concepts of electric circuits.
2週 Basic laws(1) Students wil be able to solve simple problems using Ohm's law, Kirchhoff's laws and Wye-Delta transformations.
3週 Basic laws(2) Same as above
4週 Methods of analysis(1) Students will be able to analise simple DC circuits using nodal analysis and/or mesh analysis.
5週 Methods of analysis(2) Same as above
6週 Methods of analysis(3) Same as above
7週 Methods of analysis(4) Same as above
8週 Mid-term test The aim of this mid-term test is to assessing students' understandings.
9週 Methods of analysis(4) Students will be able to analise simple DC circuits using nodal analysis and/or mesh analysis.
10週 Circuits theorem(1) Students will be able to understand some fundamental circuits theorems; superposition, source transformation, Thevenin's theorem, Norton's theorem, and so forth. Futhermore students will be able to solve simple problems of DC circuits using the circuits theorems.
11週 Circuits theorem(2) Same as above
12週 Circuits theorem(3) Same as above
13週 Circuits theorem(4) Same as above
14週 Circuits theorem(5) Same as above
15週 Comprehensive lab Students will be able to analise simple electric cirsuits using theorems.
1週 Sinusoids and Phasors(1) Students will be able to know what the phasor is. Also students will be able to express sinusoids in phasor form, complex form and/or exponential form.
2週 Sinusoids and Phasors(2) Same as above
3週 Sinusoids and Phasors(3) Same as above
4週 Sinusoidal steady-state analisys(1) Students will be able to apply some circuits theorems to AC circuits.
5週 Sinusoidal steady-state analisys(2) Same as above.
6週 Sinusoidal steady-state analisys(3) Same as above.
7週 Sinusoidal steady-state analisys(4) Same as above.
8週 Mid-term test The aim of this mid-term test is to assessing students' understandings.
9週 Sinusoidal steady-state analisys(5) Students will be able to apply some circuits theorems to AC circuits.
10週 Sinusoidal steady-state analisys(6) Same as above.
11週 AC power analysis(1) Students will be able to understand the basic concepts of AC power and how to calculate AC power which is absorbed in a circuit.
12週 AC power analysis(2) Same as above.
13週 AC power analysis(3) Same as above.
14週 AC power analysis(4) Same as above.
15週 Comprehensive lab Students will be able to analise simple electric cirsuits using theorems. Students will be able to analise simple electric cirsuits using theorems.



