

学校 大分工業高等専門学校 開講年度 令和02年度 (2020年度)
授業科目 技術英語
科目番号 R02S414 科目区分 専門 / 必修
授業形態 授業 単位の種別と単位数 履修単位: 1
開設学科 情報工学科 対象学年 4
開設期 後期 週時間数 2
教科書/教材 使用しません。プリントまたは電子媒体で配布します。
担当教員 三浦 勝良


(1) Students will have acquired a basic knowledge of the language in frequently encountered in the industrial and technical field in English.
(2) Students will have been familairized with the language in books, manuals, web articles, and research papers written in English.


評価項目1To be able not only to understand the grammar and vocabulary frequently used in technical English, but also to have the capacity to use the language accuartely.To be able to master the some of the grammar and vocabulary frequently used in technical English.Unable to learn the grammar and vocabulary frequently used in technical English.
評価項目2To be able to read and comprehend different types of technical docments, responding to qeustions in accurate English.To be able to read and comprehend to a certain extent the different types of technical English documents, responding to questions adequatlely.Unable to respond to questions, showing a lack of understanding of the technical English documets.


学習・教育目標 (C2) 説明 閉じる
JABEE 1(2)(f) 説明 閉じる



This course aims to introduce to the students some of the core language used in the industrial and technical field. In addition, the students work on their reading and writing skills through the use of practical documents.

教育プログラム 第1学年 ◎科目
授業時間 23.25時間
関連科目 英語IIIA,英語IIIB,英語コミュニケーション演習I(専攻科)
Evaluation will be based on written exams(60%) and written work (4 assignments x10% = 40%). Passing total score: 60%. Make-up tests: allowed


授業内容 週ごとの到達目標
1週 Introducing the course
Topic1: Programming Language 1
Expressions in Textbook
To have an understanding of what the course is.
To understand typical expressions in books.
2週 Topic1: Programming Language 2
Reference Manual
To be able to read entry level manuals.
3週 Topic1: Programming Language 3
Article on Web and Writing Practice
To be able to write a passage in their own words using learned expressions.
Portfolio Submission 1
4週 Topic2: Internet 1
Expressions in Textbook
To be able to understand typical expressions in books.
5週 Topic2: Internet 2
Network Related Manual
To be able to read entry level manuals.
6週 Topic2: Internet 3
Article on Web and Writing Practice
To be able to write a passage in their own words using learned expressions.
Portfolio Submission 2
7週 Topic3: DB, Embedded, AI, or other topics 1
Expressions in Textbook
To be able to understand typical expressions in books.
8週 Topic3: DB, Embedded, AI, or other topics 2
Reference Manual
To be able to read entry level manuals.
9週 後期中間試験
10週 後期中間試験の解答と解説
To realize and correct the mistakes made in the mid-term exam.
11週 Topic3: DB, Embedded, AI, or other topics 3
Article on Web and Writing Practice
To be able to write a passage in their own words using learned expressions.
Portfolio Submission 3
12週 Free Topic Writing 1
Research Paper Format and Expressions
To be able to understand research paper format and expressions
13週 Free Topic Writing 2
Practice Day 1
Research and Writing Practice 1
14週 Free Topic Writing 3
Practice Day 2
Research and Writing Practice 2
Final Portfolio Submission
15週 後期期末試験
16週 後期期末試験の解答と解説 To realize and correct the mistakes made in the final exam.



