

学校 大分工業高等専門学校 開講年度 平成29年度 (2017年度)
授業科目 英語ⅠB
科目番号 0034 科目区分 一般 / 必修
授業形態 授業 単位の種別と単位数 履修単位: 2
開設学科 情報工学科 対象学年 1
開設期 通年 週時間数 2
教科書/教材 American English File Second Edition: 1A Multipack
担当教員 トメック ジェンバ


This course will cover all aspects of the English language, and emphasize listening and speaking. The standardized TOEIC Bridge test is also an important part of the course, in which students will be able to measure their abilities on a global standardized test. It is important to review before every class and do homework to remember each topic to increase English abilities.


Ideal Level of Achievement (Very Good)Standard Level of Achievement (Good)Unacceptable Level of Achievement (Fail)
Remember fundamental grammar and vocabulary necessary for successful continued studies in English.Student has mastered and gone beyond junior high school level of grammar and vocabulary.Student is able to understand basic grammar and vocabulary learned through junior high school.Student is unable to comprehend grammar and vocabulary learned from junior high school.
Become familiar with various forms of listening and speaking in the English language for work and for fun.Student is able to listen to and watch media and fully understand what is being said at near native levels of English.Student is able to listen to and watch media and generally understand what is being said at close to native speed.Student is not able to comprehend what is being said through listening and watching English media at a basic (slowed) level of speech.
Collaborate in a group and be comfortable presenting about a topic in front of an audience in English.Student is able to cooperate and contribute greatly to a group discussion and presentation with confidence and great pronunciation. Student is able to participate in a group discussion and presentation with the help of a script and teammates.Student shows no significant contribution to group discussion or presentations with their group members.



Each lesson will follow one unit of the textbook in grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation activities. Every class will start with a show & tell activity, singing the song of the month, and English conversations in groups or pairs. Make sure you try speaking in English. Ask questions if you don’t understand. Don’t be shy!
90 minute lessons with a short break (2, 3 minutes) in between to check homework will not always cover an entire unit of work, so it is important to cover material that was not done in class by yourself. Feel free to ask for help outside of class hours by e-mail or going to Mr. Tomek's office.
Take notes and participate actively in class, and make sure to study and review after every class and look ahead to prepare for the next lesson at home. Late assignments will receive 0. NO RE-TESTS.


授業内容 週ごとの到達目標
1週 Course Orientation Refer to the syllabus at the start of the textbook, or on top of the title of each unit title page.
2週 1A: My name's Hannah, not Anna "
3週 1B: All over the world "
4週 1C: Open your books, please "
5週 2A: A writer's room "
6週 2B: Stars and stripes "
7週 2C: After 300 feet, turn right "
8週 3A: Things I love about the US "
10週 Return Midterm 1
3B: Work and play
11週 3C: Meeting online "
12週 4A: Is she his wife or his sister? "
13週 4B: What a life! "
14週 4C: Short life, long life? "
16週 Return Midterm 2 "
1週 5A: Are you the next American Idol? "
2週 5B: Love your neighbours "
3週 5C: Sun and the city "
4週 6A: Reading in English "
5週 6B: Times we love "
6週 6C: Music is changing their lives "
7週 Presentation Orientation "
9週 Return Midterm 3
Presentation Preparation
10週 TOEIC Bridge Orientation "
11週 Practical English Episode 1 "
12週 Practical English Episode 2 "
13週 Practical English Episode 3 "
14週 Presentation Preparation "
16週 Overall Course Feedback "




TestsPop QuizHomeworkPresenation合計
First Midterm1500015
Second Midterm1500015
Third Midterm1500015
TOEIC Bridge1000010
10 times a year0100010
Workbook, e-mails, etc.0020020
Group Video0001515