

学校 富山高等専門学校 開講年度 平成31年度 (2019年度)
授業科目 国際ビジネス学特別研究Ⅰ
科目番号 0002 科目区分 専門 / 必修
授業形態 演習 単位の種別と単位数 学修単位: 4
開設学科 国際ビジネス学専攻 対象学年 専1
開設期 前期 週時間数 4
担当教員 村山 雅子,塩見 浩介,宮重 徹也,萩原 信吾,清 剛治,那須野 育大


1. To learn to choose the appropriate career path and to actually act to do so, based on the expertise and the skills that have been learnt so far.
2. To learn to do the research activities independently, based on the expertise and the skills that have been learnt so far.
3. To become active and independent seekers of knowledge through the activities for future career and through the research activities.


Ideal Level of AchievementStandard Level of AchievementUnacceptable Level of Achievement)
Career explorationAble to choose the appropriate career path, based on the expertise and the skills learnt so far. Able to start choosing the appropriate career path, based on the expertise and the skills learnt so far. Unable to start choosing the appropriate career path.
Thesis researchAble to do the research activities independently, based on the expertise and the skills learnt so far.Able to do the research activities under the consultation with the supervisor, based on the expertise and the skills that have been learnt so far.Unable to do the research activities even under the consultation with the supervisor.
Indepedence and autonomyAble to find the appropriate theme for a thesis research and to indepedently act to complete the research.Able to find the appropriate theme for a thesis research and to act to complete the research under the consultation with the supervisor.Unable to act even under the consultation with the supervisor to complete the thesis research.



This course focuses on career path guidance for the students of the 4th graders in the department of International Business. Students are expected to envision their own appropriate future career path by employing the relevant expertise, knowledge and skills that have been learnt thus far and by reflecting on their unique personalities. The other focus for the latter half of the course is on starting thesis research activities. Students are introduced to professors' research background to determine their research area and topics of interests.
The contents and activities vary from lectures on finding future career by teachers of diverse career backgrounds to inviting real people from neaby companies. The latter half of the course is spent on starting to think about thesis research activities by circulating profesors' offices and discussing their research backgrounds
This is a required course, with constant presence being the key to a sucessful completion. Studnets are required to submit occasional reports.


授業内容 週ごとの到達目標
1週 Orientation to 'Bisiness Seminar I / II' Able to understand the aim of the courses. Able to understand the units for graduation.
2週 Future career paths of the department of International Business Able to understand the department and its future career paths.
3週 Orientation to 'Internship' Able to understand how it is important to oneself; listening to the lectures by the former participants.
4週 'Peer reviews'—book reports Experience a 'seminar' sharing book reports.
5週 Orientation to 'Thesis Research Activities' To learn the methods for conducting academic researches through lectures and a visit to the library.
6週 'Open Seminar' (1) To learn the proces in which a thesis paper is completed by discussing it with a professor.
7週 'Open Seminar' (2) To learn the proces in which a thesis paper is completed by discussing it with a professor.
8週 'Open Seminar' (3) To learn the proces in which a thesis paper is completed by discussing it with a professor.
9週 Lecture on 'SPI' Able to understand 'SPI' and how it is important for a career design from a lecture by an outside lecturer.
10週 'Open Seminar' (4) To learn the proces in which a thesis paper is completed by discussing it with a professor.
11週 'Open Seminar' (5) To learn the proces in which a thesis paper is completed by discussing it with a professor.
12週 'Open Seminar' (6) To learn the proces in which a thesis paper is completed by discussing it with a professor.
13週 'Open Seminar' (7) To learn the proces in which a thesis paper is completed by discussing it with a professor.
14週 'Open Seminar' (8) To learn the proces in which a thesis paper is completed by discussing it with a professor.
15週 'Open Seminar' (9) To learn the proces in which a thesis paper is completed by discussing it with a professor.
16週 Summary & Reflection To design the future career path.




ExaminationPresentationMutual Evaluations between studentsBehaviorPortfolioOther合計
Basic Ability0000000
Technical Ability050000050
Interdisciplinary Ability050000050