

学校 津山工業高等専門学校 開講年度 令和04年度 (2022年度)
授業科目 アルゴリズムとデータ構造
科目番号 0018 科目区分 専門 / 必修
授業形態 講義 単位の種別と単位数 学修単位: 4
開設学科 情報工学科 対象学年 4
開設期 通年 週時間数 2
教科書/教材 Textbook: 紀平 拓男,春日 伸弥「プログラミングの宝箱 アルゴリズムとデータ構造」(SBクリエイティブ)
担当教員 松島 由紀子


Learning purposes :
Students who have taken this course can explain well-known algorithms and data structures and answer the name of algorithm and data structures when they read the explanation. They also can explain basic notion and terminology of time complexity and its related notion for considering efficiency of algorithms.

Course Objectives :
1. To be able to explain what is algorithms.
2. To be able to explain typical sort algorithms and search algorithms.
3. To be able to explain typical data structures, e.g. stack, queue, tree structure and so on.
4. To be able to explain string search algorithms.
5. To be able to explain graph data structure.


ExcellentGoodAcceptableNot acceptable
Achievement 1Can evaluate the computational complexity of practical programs using the complexity notation and its definition.Can evaluate the computational complexity of typical programs using the complexity notation and its definition.Can explain the complexity notation and its definition.Cannot explain the complexity notation and its definition.
Achievement 2Can implement practical programs using sort and search algorithms.Can utilize sort and search algorithms.Can explain sort and search algorithms.Cannot explain sort and search algorithms.
Achievement 3Can implement practical programs using stack, queue and tree structure.Can utilize stack, queue and tree structure.Can explain stack, queue and tree structure.Cannot explain stack, queue and tree structure.
Achievement 4Can implement practical programs using string search algorithms.Can utilize string search algorithms.Can explain string search algorithms.Cannot explain string search algorithms.
Achievement 5Can evaluate the practical problems using the graph data structures.Can evaluate the typical problems using the graph data structures.Can explain graph data structures.Cannot explain graph data structures.



General or Specialized : Specialized

Field of learning : Infromation system・Programming・Network

Foundational academic disciplines : Integrated Disciplines/Informatics/Principles of Informatics/Software

Relationship with Educational Objectives :This class is equivalent to "(3) Acquire deep foundation knowledge of the major subject area".

Course outline :Efficiency of solving a problem by computer is depend on algorithm and data structures. This course provides basic skill of choosing and designing algorithms and data structures using typical algorithms and data structures.
Course method : The lessons will be centered on board writing. In order to deepen the understanding, we will proceed with the lessons while solving the exercises as appropriate.

Grade evaluation method : Regular examination scores are calculated as the average of four examinations. Retesting is not conducted in principle. If the result of the regular test is less than 60 points, the score may be changed if the understanding can be confirmed by the retest. However, the overall evaluation shall not exceed 60 points.

Precautions on enrollment : Students must take this class (no more than one-third of the required number of class hours missed).

Course advice :This course is closely connected with programming. Implementation of algorithms that are dealt with in this course makes deeply understanding.

Foundational subjects : Fundamentals of Integrated Science and Technology(1st year), Basic Programming(2nd)

Related subjects : Database Systems(5th year), Advanced Programming(4th), Mathematical Information(4th)

Attendance advice : Delay of attendance will be counted as absence. Entry after confirmation of attendance will be delayed. If you are late, you will be treated as absent from one credit hour for two times.


ICT 利用
Must complete subjects


授業内容 週ごとの到達目標
1週 Course Guidance Understand objectives of this course
2週 Bubble Sort Learn Bubble Sort Algorithm and understand the program of Bubble Sort
3週 Quicksort 1 Learn Quicksort Algorithm
4週 Quicksort 2 Understand the program of Quicksort
5週 Merge Sort Learn Merge Sort Algorithm and understand the program of Merge Sort
6週 Linear Search
Learn Linear Search Algorithm and understand the program of Linear Search
7週 Binary Search Learn Binary Search Algorithm and understand the program of Binary Search
8週 1st Semester Mid-term Exam
9週 Return 1st Semester Mid-term Exam and correct mistakes Understand mistakes
10週 List Learn List and understand the program of List
11週 Stack Learn Stack and understand the program of Stack
12週 Queue Learn Queue and understand the program of Queue
13週 Recursion 1 Learn Recursion
14週 Recursion 2 Understand the program of Recursion
15週 (1st Semester Final Exam)
16週 Return 1st Semester Final Exam and correct mistakes Understand mistakes
1週 Tree Structure 1 Learn Tree Structure
2週 Tree Structure 2 Learn Tree Structure
3週 Tree Structure 3 Understand the program of Tree Structure
4週 Map and Hash 1 Learn Map and Hash
5週 Map and Hash 2 Understand the program of Map and Hash
6週 String Search Algorithm 1 Learn String Search Algorithm
7週 String Search Algorithm 2 Understand the program of String Search
8週 2nd Semester Mid-term Exam
9週 Return 2nd Semester Mid-term Exam and correct mistakes Understand mistakes
10週 Tree Traversal Learn Tree Traversal and understand the program of Tree Traversal
11週 Graph Data Structure Learn Graph Data Structure
12週 Automata Learn Automata
13週 Regular Expression Learn Regular Expression
14週 Summary and prepare for the Final Exam Review the algorithms and their programs and be able to explain them.
15週 (2nd Semester Final Exam)
16週 Return 2nd Semester Final Exam and correct mistakes Understand mistakes




ExaminationPresentationMutual Evaluations between studentsBehaviorPortfolioOther合計
Basic Proficiency0000000
Specialized Proficiency10000000100
Cross Area Proficiency0000000