

学校 高知工業高等専門学校 開講年度 2017
授業科目 英語表現
科目番号 0108 科目区分 一般 / 必修
授業形態 講義 単位の種別と単位数 履修単位: 1
開設学科 総合科学科 対象学年 3
開設期 通年 週時間数 1
教科書/教材 Milner, Martin (2010) World English 1: Real people, real places, real language. WordEngine TOEIC course access card.
担当教員 リズリー ディヴィッド


Students should confidently be able to initiate and participate in intermediate level English conversations at the completion of this course. This course will also help students to feel more confident about participating in everyday conversations in English. Students should increase their vocabulary by 3000 words. Students should read 2000 words per week using extensive reading materials and MoodleReader.


評価項目1Read more than 400,000 words and achieve reading and listening fluency at or above Common European Framework Level C2.Read more than 100,000 words and achieve reading and listening fluency at or above Common European Framework Level B1.Read less than 100,000 words and not achieve reading and listening fluency at or above Common European Framework Level B1.
評価項目2Master 2000 previously unknown vocabulary words.Master 500 previously unknown vocabulary words.Master less than 500 previously unknown vocabulary words.
評価項目3Fluently master description, classification, and comparison tasks.Master description, classification, and comparison tasks.Not master description, classification, and comparison tasks.



 The aim of this course is to improve English vocabulary knowledge, comprehension and expression using various forms of English discourse. This will be achieved through extensive comprehensible input, (extensive reading and listening) a variety of interactive classroom tasks, (pair work, group work, mini-tests, individual presentations) and through homework tasks (including extensive reading and listening, book reports, journal writing). iCOCET 3300 will be used extensively to improve vocabulary. Review of grammar and development of critical thinking skills are central to this course. The Moodle Reader Module will be used to assess student extensive reading


授業内容 週ごとの到達目標
1週 Introduction, get reacquainted, WordEngine and M-reader reassessment. Set goals and understand responsibilities.
2週 Introduction, get reacquainted, WordEngine and M-reader reassessment. Set goals and understand responsibilities.
3週 Introduction, get reacquainted, WordEngine and M-reader reassessment. Set goals and understand responsibilities.
4週 Extensive Reading, Vocabulary drills, Unit 5, Sports Achieve reading and vocabulary goals, describe activities happening now.
5週 Extensive Reading, Vocabulary drills, Unit 5, Sports Achieve reading and vocabulary goals, describe activities happening now, compare activities.
6週 Extensive Reading, Vocabulary drills, Unit 5, Sports Achieve reading and vocabulary goals, describe activities happening now, compare activities, talk about favourite sports.
7週 Extensive Reading, Vocabulary drills, Unit 5, Sports Achieve reading and vocabulary goals, describe activities happening now, compare activities, talk about favourite sports, discuss adventures.
8週 Exam
9週 Extensive Reading, Vocabulary drills, Unit 6, Destinations Achieve reading and vocabulary goals, discuss past travels.
10週 Extensive Reading, Vocabulary drills, Unit 6, Destinations Achieve reading and vocabulary goals, discuss past travels, use "was, were" to describe past experiences.
11週 Extensive Reading, Vocabulary drills, Unit 6, Destinations Achieve reading and vocabulary goals, discuss past travels, use "was, were" to describe past experiences, describe past discoveries.
12週 Extensive Reading, Vocabulary drills, Unit 6, Destinations Achieve reading and vocabulary goals, discuss past travels, use "was, were" to describe past experiences, describe past discoveries.
13週 Extensive Reading, Vocabulary drills, Unit 6, Destinations Achieve reading and vocabulary goals, discuss past travels, use "was, were" to describe past experiences, describe past discoveries.
14週 Extensive Reading, Vocabulary drills, Unit 6, Destinations Achieve reading and vocabulary goals, discuss past travels, use "was, were" to describe past experiences, describe past discoveries.
15週 Extensive Reading, Vocabulary drills, Unit 6, Destinations Achieve reading and vocabulary goals, discuss past travels, use "was, were" to describe past experiences, describe past discoveries.
16週 Exam
1週 Extensive Reading, Vocabulary drills, Unit 7, Communication Achieve reading and vocabulary goals, discuss personal information.
2週 Extensive Reading, Vocabulary drills, Unit 7, Communication Achieve reading and vocabulary goals, discuss personal information, exchange contact information.
3週 Extensive Reading, Vocabulary drills, Unit 7, Communication Achieve reading and vocabulary goals, discuss personal information, exchange contact information, describe characteristics, attributes and qualities.
4週 Extensive Reading, Vocabulary drills, Unit 7, Communication Achieve reading and vocabulary goals, discuss personal information, exchange contact information, describe characteristics, attributes and qualities.
5週 Extensive Reading, Vocabulary drills, Unit 7, Communication Achieve reading and vocabulary goals, discuss personal information, exchange contact information, describe characteristics, attributes and qualities.
6週 Extensive Reading, Vocabulary drills, Unit 7, Communication Achieve reading and vocabulary goals, discuss personal information, exchange contact information, describe characteristics, attributes and qualities, compare types of communication.
7週 Extensive Reading, Vocabulary drills, Unit 7, Communication Achieve reading and vocabulary goals, discuss personal information, exchange contact information, describe characteristics, attributes and qualities, compare types of communication.
8週 Exam
9週 Extensive Reading, Vocabulary drills, Unit 8, Moving Forward Achieve reading and vocabulary goals, discuss plans.
10週 Extensive Reading, Vocabulary drills, Unit 8, Moving Forward Achieve reading and vocabulary goals, discuss plans, make predictions.
11週 Extensive Reading, Vocabulary drills, Unit 8, Moving Forward Achieve reading and vocabulary goals, discuss plans, make predictions.
12週 Extensive Reading, Vocabulary drills, Unit 8, Moving Forward Achieve reading and vocabulary goals, discuss plans, make predictions.
13週 Extensive Reading, Vocabulary drills, Unit 8, Moving Forward Achieve reading and vocabulary goals, discuss plans, make predictions.
14週 Extensive Reading, Vocabulary drills, Unit 8, Moving Forward Achieve reading and vocabulary goals, discuss plans, make predictions, discuss the future.
15週 Extensive Reading, Vocabulary drills, Unit 8, Moving Forward Achieve reading and vocabulary goals, discuss plans, make predictions, discuss the future.
16週 Exam



